足立区本木・関原・梅田の空手教室|一般・女子・壮年・子どもクラス/護身術 見学/体験可




 西新井道場は、国際空手道連盟 極真会館(館長:松井章奎)と東京東京城東支部(最高顧問/支部長:郷田勇三)の認可を受け、2001年に創設された空手道場です。
 責任者のルペシ・ダンゴル(Rupesh Dangol)は、1986年、来日して郷田勇三支部長の内弟子となり修行研鑽。全日本大会はじめ第四回全世界空手道選手権大会にのネパール代表になるなど数々の大会にも出場しました。そして全アジア空手道選手権大会で優勝するなどの実力と共に、城東支部での指導実績を評価され、長い下積み修行を経て2001年、日本国内で初めての外国人分支部長に任命され、西新井道場を創設しました。



極真会館 城東支部 西新井道場

Welcome to Nishiarai Dojo Website!

Kyokushin Karate Nishiarai Dojo is established in 2001 with the approval of the International Karate Organization (IKO) the Kyokushinkaikan (Kancho Shokei Matsui) and Tokyo Joto Branch (Chief Advisor / Shihan Yuzo Goda).
Rupesh Dangol, the Incharge, came to Japan in 1986 and became an inner-disciple(live-in student) of Shihan Yuzo Goda at the East-Tokyo Branch of IKO Kyokushin kaikan and devoted himself to training. He participated in various competitions including becoming Nepalese representative at the 4th World Karate World Championships, including the All Japan Tournament. And along with the ability to win the All Asia Karate Championships. we were assessed as a guidance record at the Joto Branch, passed through a long accumulation trainee, and in 2001, was appointed the first foreign sub branch chief in Japan and established Nishiarai Dojo.
Thanks to Nishiarai Dojo, we celebrated the 15th anniversary of our establishment this year (2016). Thanks to all the stakeholders, dojo students and their parents, and local people for their help.
Thank you very much, Osu!
We will continue to pursue Nishiarai Dojo as a dojo to be loved by everyone, so thank you for your continued guidance and encouragement in the future.

Kyokushinkaikan Joto Branch Nishiarai Dojo
All the staff

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総裁 大山倍達 | Sousai Mas Oyama

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 今や伝説的存在となった地上最強の武道家、大山倍達。若き日より武道を学び、1947年、戦後初の全日本空手道選手権大会で優勝して以来、自らの精神と肉体 を極限にまで追い詰める修行の日々が続く。山籠もりや闘牛との対決、アメリカをはじめ世界各地での武者修行など、数々の逸話は有名。
 1964年、それまで 空手界の常識であった「寸止めルール」に対して本当の強さを求める「直接打撃性ルール」を掲げ、国際空手道連盟・極真会館を設立。世界120カ国、1200万人の門弟の総裁として、その生涯を極真カラテに捧げた。

1994年、逝去。 享年70歳。

The strongest martial artist on earth, now a legendary existence, Mas Oyama. Since learning martial arts from a young age, in 1947, winning the first All Japan Karate Championships in the postwar championships, the days of training learn to pursue their own spirit and physical body to the limit continues. A confrontation with Moriyama Mariya and bullfighting, as well as warrior training in the rest of the world including the United States, a number of anecdotes are famous.
In 1964, established the "International Karate Organization (IKO) / Kyokushinkaikan" with the "direct blowing rules" seeking real strength against the "stopping rule" which was the common sense of karate world until then. As Sousai of 12 million younger brothers in 120 countries in the world, I dedicated my life to the ultimate Karate. In 1994, passed away. He was 70 years old.

館長 松井章奎 | Kancho Shokei Matsui

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 大山総裁に憧れ中学時代に極真会館入門。恵まれた素質と不断の努力により、たちまち頭角を現す。若干17歳で全日本大会に堂々4位入賞し、非凡さを 世に知らしめた。第17回、18回、全日本大会優勝。翌年の第4回世界大会をも制すという偉業を成し遂げ、その俊敏にして華麗な組み手は空手界の貴公子と 呼ばれ、多くのファンを魅了した。

Shokei (Akiyoshi) Matsui started Kyokushin Karate at the age of 13. In 1976, he joined the Kita Nagare-Yama Dojo in the Chiba prefecture of Japan, managing to achieve Shodan (first degree) Black Belt in a little over a year. In 1980, Matsui placed fourth in the 12th All Japan Open Karate Championships when he was just 17. Soon after, he became Chief Instructor of the International Kyokushin Headquarters School, "Honbu" Dojo in Tokyo, Japan.

Both in 1981 and 1982, Matsui took 3rd Place in the All Japan Open Karate Championships and then 8th place at the same event in 1983. He earned worldwide recognition and admiration for his amazing spirit, strength, and determination when he took a remarkable Third place finish at the 3rd World Open Karate Tournament in 1984. He succeeded in winning the All Japan Championships in each of 1985 and 1986, and then successfully completed the ultimate Kyokushin challenge, the "100 Man Kumite" in record time. In Japan, he became known as the man of "unparalleled genius", one who comes along but once in an eon, and then in 1987 became the youngest ever Champion of the World.

In May of 1992, Matsui opened his own school in Asakusa, Tokyo and was later appointed Branch Chief by Sosai Mas Oyama. On April 26, 1994, founder Sosai Mas Oyama regrettably passed away, leaving the Directorship of the worldwide organization to Matsui, who became "Kancho" (Director). In the wake of the Sosai's untimely death, and despite the well-documented backlash concerning his appointment, Kancho Matsui forged ahead that year staging the 11th All Japan Weight Tournament and the 27th All Japan Championships, the latter with a record 16,000 spectators in attendance. The following year, he produced the hugely successful, 6th World Open Karate Tournament, to which 168 fighters from all over the world competed and more than 25,000 spectators witnessed.

Kancho Shokei Matsui has planned, produced and presented numerous groundbreaking martial arts events to the world, including inaugurating the "World Cup"-Team Karate Championships, the "Women's World Karate Championships", the "World Weight Category Karate Championships", the "International Senior Karate Championships", the "International Kata Championships" and the "International Youth Karate Championships", to which nearly 2000 competitors aged 4-17 from around the world participated. These events are in addition to continuing the grand legacy Mas Oyama began by presenting the once-every-four-year, World Open Karate Tournament, and event that has grown to become the largest, most revered and renowned martial arts competition the world has ever seen.

Currently, the International Karate Organization has over 12 million members in 125 countries. While simultaneously managing the organization from its headquarters in Japan, Kancho Matsui travels to Branches around the globe to teach and spread the spirit of the Kyokushin Way to countries and cultures everywhere.

International Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan
Kancho Shokei Matsui

東京城東支部 支部長 郷田勇三 | Shihan Yuzo Goda

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IKO Kyokushinkaikan Advisor
Executive Advisor & International Committee Chairman

 1940 年3月17日、東京生まれ。高校卒業後の1959年4月、武道の修行を志し、極真会館の前身である池袋の大山道場に入門し、大山倍達総裁より空手の指導を受ける。大山道場が極真会館に発展した後も、大山倍達の薫陶を受け極真空手一筋の道を歩む。総本部師範代を得て、1976年、東京城東支部 支部長を任命され、1985年以降は国内50支部、海外100以上の支部の筆頭支部長として大山総裁の信任を受け、全国支部長協議会議長、選手権大会審判長など要職を歴任。大山総裁逝去後は極真会館最高顧問として松井館長をサポートし、極真会館の発展に寄与する。

IKO Kyokushinkaikan Advisor
Executive Advisor & International Committee Chairman

Born on March 17, 1940, Shihan Yuzo Goda, Chief Advisor for the IKO Kyokushinkaikan, has been involved in Kyokushin since his late teens. Setting his sights on karate training after graduating high school in April 1959, Shihan Goda became one of the first disciples of Sosai Mastatsu Oyama at the Oyama Dojo in Ikebukuro - the original Kyokushin school and precursor to the IKO Kyokushinkaikan Honbu today.

Shihan Goda was entrusted by Sosai Oyama as Sohonbu-Shihandai (Headquarters Head Instructor) and was assigned to head the Joto Branch in Tokyo in 1976. Sosai Oyama appointed Shihan Goda as the head of the Japanese Branch Chief Committee in 1985 and Shihan Goda has additionally contributed to the development of the Kyokushinkaikan as Branch Chief, Chief Judge and Referee Chairman for the International Karate Organization Tournament Circuit.

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【東京城東支部 道場リスト】
・田端道場 北区田端5-14-2 富士見マンションB1F
・西新井道場 東京都足立区本木2-4-21 
・舎人道場 足立区古千谷本町2-16-20
・亀戸南道場 江東区亀戸6-11-4
・亀戸北道場 江東区亀戸5-33-7
・三ノ輪道場 荒川区東日暮里2-14-4 大国屋東日暮里ビル1階
・北千住道場 足立区千住3-1 トンプク堂ビル3階
・西葛西道場 江戸川区西葛西6-13-7第7山秀ビル5F
・綾瀬道場 足立区東綾瀬1-24-6
・東十条道場 北区東十条1-1-54
・成立道場 北区東十条6-5-8
・小岩道場 江戸川区西小岩1-30-8
・葛西道場 江戸川区東葛西5-1-14